Thursday, December 17, 2009


I am currently a Sophomore Finance/Communications double major with a concentration in Radio, Television, and Film at The College of New Jersey. With this diversity in my majors, I feel like I have gained a very well-rounded education. Though my Finance classes, I have gained many analytical skills, while Communications has helped me with my public speaking and writing. Also, with my focus on Radio, Television and Film, I have gained my skills in the technical side of filming.

In addition to my classwork, I am an active member of two clubs on campus. I am the President of Lion's Television, The College of New Jersey television station. As President, I serve as the club's liaison to the rest of the campus. I am also in charge of all of our shows, and make sure the quality of the television stays high. In addition to serving as President, I am the producer of At the Movies, a movie trivia game show. As producer, I write, act, direct, and edit my own show. Though my experiences with LTV, I have gotten a lot of hands-on experience with all the work that goes into creating quality television.

I am also an active member of the Indian Student Association on campus. I went to a few meeting in the beginning of my Sophomore year at the request of some of my housemates at quickly got engrossed into Indian Culture. Since joining the club, I have gained the privilege of heading my own "family" within the club, in which I help underclassman in my family with picking classes and adjusting to school. I was also the Co-Master of Ceremonies for the annual ISA coffeehouse, in which almost all the nationality clubs on campus come together and perform skits.

Going forward, I look to continue my education for the next few year, and hope to get an internship this summer!