Saturday, December 19, 2009


Welcome and thank you for visiting my virtual portfolio! My goal is to help show you more about myself than you can get from a standard paper resume. Here, I have various works that I have produced at The College of New Jersey, including papers and powerpoints, as well as a television clip of the show that I have produced. You will also find my resume and a short biography about myself. Hopefully this blog will give you a much greater understanding about me and show all the work I have put into accomplishing my future goal. Enjoy your stay on this blog!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Letter of Intent

Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting my blog. Hopefully this blog will give you a fuller view of my past and my future aspirations.

I am still two years away from graduation, but it is never too late to start working towards the future. In the future, I hope to work in the television field, whether it be behind the camera or in a business setting. I believe that all my schooling and experiences at college have made me capable to accomplish this goal.

Please take a look at all of the works I have published below. They represent all the effort I have put into my schoolwork. Thank you for your consideration and your time in viewing this blog. Please email me if you have any questions, or even wish to talk in person!

Thank you,

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I am currently a Sophomore Finance/Communications double major with a concentration in Radio, Television, and Film at The College of New Jersey. With this diversity in my majors, I feel like I have gained a very well-rounded education. Though my Finance classes, I have gained many analytical skills, while Communications has helped me with my public speaking and writing. Also, with my focus on Radio, Television and Film, I have gained my skills in the technical side of filming.

In addition to my classwork, I am an active member of two clubs on campus. I am the President of Lion's Television, The College of New Jersey television station. As President, I serve as the club's liaison to the rest of the campus. I am also in charge of all of our shows, and make sure the quality of the television stays high. In addition to serving as President, I am the producer of At the Movies, a movie trivia game show. As producer, I write, act, direct, and edit my own show. Though my experiences with LTV, I have gotten a lot of hands-on experience with all the work that goes into creating quality television.

I am also an active member of the Indian Student Association on campus. I went to a few meeting in the beginning of my Sophomore year at the request of some of my housemates at quickly got engrossed into Indian Culture. Since joining the club, I have gained the privilege of heading my own "family" within the club, in which I help underclassman in my family with picking classes and adjusting to school. I was also the Co-Master of Ceremonies for the annual ISA coffeehouse, in which almost all the nationality clubs on campus come together and perform skits.

Going forward, I look to continue my education for the next few year, and hope to get an internship this summer!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Resume and Cover Letter

You can view a copy of my Resume here.

You can view a copy of my Cover Letter here.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Written Work

During college, I have had many opportunities to write papers on a large variety of subject matters. Here are a few examples of my written works.

Annual Report

In one of my accounting class, we had to critque one company's annual report. I chose Kraft incorporated. Here are the observations I made, as well as my final decision on the status of the company.

Communication Theory

In one of my Communications classes, we had to compare two different communication theories. I chose Organizational Culture Theory and Communication Accommodation Theory.

Statistical Analysis

For my business statistics class, we had to come up with our own multiple regression test. For my dependent variable, I chose Real GDP, then I picked five independent variables and tested to see if they were statistically significant.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Powerpoint Presentations

In school, I have also had to present a few Powerpoints. Here is an example of one Powerpoint I have created my Theories of Communication class.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

At The Movies

As a member of Lion's Television, I have my own TV show, At the Movies. It is a movie trivia show. Here is a short clip.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thank You!

I hope this gave a good indication of the type of person I am, and am striving to become! Continue to check back for updates as I continue my education at The College of New Jersey.

If you have any questions about my portfolio or myself, please feel free to email me at

Thank you very much for visit my virtual portfolio!
-Kevin Malcolm